Monday, July 22, 2013

Blessings Bestowed

Blessings Bestowed
Cancer’s such an ugly word
Just how can joy arise?
Can blessings really be bestowed
Amidst the sordid cries?

But that’s the time they’re greatest
When God wipes away the tears
Your eyes are now wide open
And your vision ever clear.

You can look beyond the obvious
To the things you need to see
Are the sometimes seeming little things?
The biggest blessings there might be?

It’s a hug from my daughter
Sometimes few and far between
Or a picture with her mother
Both so special from a teen!

It’s the loving care and tender heart
Of our other little girl
Who will do anything she can
For me or for this world.

It’s an embrace from my husband
When the pain’s too much to bear
Or a cup of soup to feed me
When other options are not there.

It’s knowing that my cancer
Is confined and hasn’t spread
It’s knowing that my Savior
Will keep my spirit fed.

It’s the presence of God’s angels
Alive and here on earth
Whose gifts and love and prayers and hugs
Remind me of my worth.

It’s the bald spot hidden on my head
Beneath my thick and perfect hair
A reminder of how blessed I am
To have just this cross to bear.

It’s relationships renewed
And relationships restored
It’s learning to rely
Completely on my Lord.

It’s knowing that your story
Can touch the lives of others
It’s seeing people seeking Christ
It’s my friends, my parents, brother.

It’s knowing that the blessings
Are there for you to find
And even in your suffering
You’ll find the greatest kinds.

-Cathleen McBurney
July 21, 2013


  1. Wow!! You are amazing!! I knew you were a talented athlete but I did not know you're a gifted poet!! Your poem is beautiful! You have made me realize how precious our life is and actually have brought me closer to God!! I have been praying every day!! Stay strong ToughMudder!! :-) Jean

  2. Really lovely Cathleen. Thank you for sharing this with us!

  3. Beautiful Cathleen! We pray for your healing and strength.
